Launching A Ministry So It Doesn’t Crash

Churches keep making ministry launch mistakes that keep ministries from taking off into growth. They don’t do the necessary planning to launch properly, therefore the momentum created isn’t sustainable.

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A successful ministry launch goes through all 3 Phases of the launch plan.

“Building” is the key to the Pre-Launch Phase.

You’re building your team. Pick your leader(s) of ministry. Create your leadership team. And finally, recruit your launch team.

You’re building your program. Decide on the main need that will be met through this ministry. Design ways to meet that particular need.  Create your overall ministry structure.

You’re building your visibility. Understand the most effective avenues of communicating your ministry. Plan your communication strategy.

Impacting” is the key to the Launch Phase.

You’re impacting through an environment.  Decide how you are going touch people’s senses.  How will you make people feel like they are welcomed and they belong.

You’re impacting through an experience.  You understand the need that you are trying to meet, and you design a process that walks people through getting that need met.  Decide on how your ministry will look so that those needs are met.

You’re impacting through a connection. You planned various connection points with yourself, with your leaders, with other attenders, and with God.

You’re impacting through an exposure. Show them what they can expect if they attend on a weekly basis. Reveal your core values through action steps. Help them understand how they can  get plugged into your ministry.

“Communicating” is the key to the Post-Launch Phase.

You’re communicating your gratefulness. Express how much you appreciate them coming to your ministry launch.

You’re communicating your weekend service. Tell them what will be happening the coming weekend, and that they are invited to come.

You’re communicating your ministry’s next big event. Highlight the next big event your ministry will be having, and let they know they are invited to attend.

An important part of launching a ministry is evaluation.  2-3 weeks after the ministry launch sit down with your launch team to evaluate.  What worked?  What didn’t work? What should be done differently?

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