Church Growth Strategies

There has been a lot of discussion on how to grow churches.  There are as many ideas, as there are elbows.

Copying what worked for another church, isn’t the answer.  However, discern what the key principles were that the church used, and see how you can apply those principles in your ministry context.

All church growth strategies can be boiled down to two 30,000 foot views.  Either you are growing your church from the “Inside Out” or you are growing your church from the “Outside In.”

Inside Out

With the “Inside Out” church growth strategy, the focus is on who is all ready attending your church.

This strategy is more discipleship focused.  The goal is to try to grow the believer into a fully committed disciple of Christ.  Once they are mature in their faith, they are sent out to witness to their families, friends, and associates.

The pro to this strategy is that believers become rooted in their faith.  Their commitment to Christ increases.

The con to this strategy is that it is a slower growth process.  Only a few people are reached at a time.

Outside In

With the “Outside In” church growth strategy, the focus is on who isn’t all ready attending your church.

This strategy is more outreach focused.  The goal is to try to provided various environments to attract the largest crowds possible.  Once people are present, the Gospel is shared with a response time to introduce them to Jesus.  Next steps are available for spiritual growth.

The pro to this strategy is that many people can learn and experience salvation.

The con to this strategy is that not everyone will commit their lives to Christ or commit themselves to grow spiritually.

Final Thoughts

By listening to your leaders and attenders, you will have a good idea if your church is an “Outside In” or an “Inside Out” church.

No matter the church growth strategy your church takes, make sure you have a plan in place to highlight the pros and avoid the cons.

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