3 Levels Of Evangelism

Let’s talk about evangelism in the modern Christian church.

61% of Christians say they believe they have a personal responsibility to share their faith.  But only 38% have shared the gospel with someone within the last 6 months.

In order to reverse this trend of disconnect a 3 level evangelistic approach should be adopted.

This Articles link.

The Cultural Level is the first level of evangelism that needs implemented.

Evangelism should be the focus of the overall mission of the church. It should be present and emphasized in every aspect of the church.

It should be experienced when the doors open for a worship service.  It starts with a friendly welcoming team that makes everyone feel accepted.  It continues by avoiding Christian only language and practices.

Evangelism should be ingrained in the small group ministry.  There should be groups that teach how to evangelize, as well as groups that answers questions about Christianity.

The Barna Group reported “that 51% of Christians say they are unfamiliar with the Great Commission.” This statistic reveals a huge hole in the church’s discipleship ministry.

The Invitational Level is the next level of evangelism that needs implemented.

Most churches do this level of evangelism very well. Followers of Christ are challenged to invite their family and friends to various events.

Evangelistic events should be planned each year as an introduction to Christ and to your church.

To get buy in and participation by your church, there must be a great first impressions ministry, where your church feels comfortable inviting their family and friends.

Lifeway did a research a couple of years ago that highlighted the percentage of people who invited someone to church:

  • 43% of Christians within the last year invited a non-Christian loved one to church.
  • 34% of Christians within the last year invited someone they didn’t know to church.

Although these percentages seem small, when churches provide events for people to invite family and friends to, they become greater.

The Personal Level is the next level of evangelism that needs implemented.

Of the levels of evangelism, this is the most effective because it hinges on established relationships, but it is the most neglected because it requires commitment.

Healthy growing churches have a small group structure that trains people how to share the gospel in their daily lives.

Some staggering stats I read where:

  • 58% of Christians are reluctant to evangelize
  • 39% of Christians are willing to evangelize
  • 66% of Christians are unfamiliar with any method to evangelize

It is the church’s responsibility to equip believers with the knowledge and tools to share their faith.

Without purposeful structure for training, evangelism will not a part of a believer’s life, even though 66% believe they have a personal responsibility to share their faith.

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