How It All Began: Part 1

Questions about the beginning of the universe have been asked since the beginning of time.

Where did the universe come from?

When did the universe begin?

What caused the universe to be formed?

This article isn’t about “Who” or “What” caused the formation of the universe, but to meet on common ground that the universe had a beginning.

(This articles   link.)

There are 4 proofs that the universe had a beginning.

Proof #1 – The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

“While the quantity of energy within a closed isolated system, like the universe, remains the same, the amount of usable energy deteriorates gradually over time.”

In other words, basically everything ages or decays over time.  If everything is deteriorating there must be a beginning of that deterioration.

If chaos increases as energy is used, there had to be a point when energy wasn’t deteriorating, thus concluding the universe had a beginning.

Proof #2 – The Law of Expanding Universe

Edwin Hubble, created the Law of Red Shift.  Basically, if an object is moving towards us, it is on the blue light spectrum.  If an object is moving away from us, it is on the red light spectrum.

Hubble observed that the universe was on the red light spectrum, therefore he concluded that the universe is moving away, thus expanding.

Imagine a balloon with spots.  When you blow it up the spots get further apart, but when you let the air out the spots get closer and tighter.

If the universe is moving further apart, there had to be a point when it was closer and tighter together, thus concluding the universe had a beginning.

Proof #3 – The Law of Radiation Echo

In 1978, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, accidently discovered background noise.

What they thought was a dirty satellite dish, became the founding of what is known as cosmic background radiation echo.

A simple way to explain radiation echo is by using a flashbang grenade.  When a flashbang grenade is detonated, the room is filled with powder, heat, light, and sound.  Even after several minutes these things are still present.

When the universe began, all matter, time, space began, thus leaving the universe filled with heat, light, and sounds.

If the universe is filled with various presence of radiation caused by an event, there had to be a point when this radiation wasn’t present, thus concluding the universe had a beginning.

Proof #4 – The Law of Infinite Regress

“An infinite regress is an infinite series of entities governed by a recursive principle that determines how each entity in the series depends on or is produced by its predecessor.” (Wikipedia)

Imagine sitting at a red light with an infinite straight road ahead of you, and before the light turns green, you are told to back up 3 feet.  You wait at the red light again, and before the light turns green, you are told to back up 3 feet.  This happens over and over and over again for forever, will you ever get to your destination?

This is the same idea with time, without a beginning there would be no start of time.  Without the beginning of time there would be no “Today.”  Time is evidenced through the fact that things are decaying.

If the universe is decaying, there had to be a point when there wasn’t time, thus concluding the universe had a beginning.


It doesn’t matter what is ascribed to the beginning of the universe, The Big Bang, Quantum Vacuum, Multiple Universe, or Creationism, one must explain how matter and energy was formed?


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